Emergency Lighting Inspections

Emergency Lighting Inspections

£112.00 INCL VAT

Ensures exits are illuminated in case of an emergency


Fully accredited engineers
Fault find & diagnostics
Ensures exits are illuminated in case of an emergency
Recommended every year

FAQs for Emergency Lighting Inspections

Emergency lighting refers to lighting fixtures installed in buildings to provide illumination in the event of a power outage or failure. It ensures a safe and orderly evacuation during emergencies.

An Emergency Lighting Inspection is a systematic evaluation of the emergency lighting system within a building to ensure that it functions correctly during power failures or emergencies. The inspection aims to verify that the lighting system meets safety standards and regulatory requirements.

Emergency Lighting Inspections are essential for ensuring the reliability of emergency lighting systems. Regular inspections help identify and address issues, such as faulty components or inadequate coverage, ensuring that the system is ready to function when needed.

Building owners or managers are typically responsible for arranging and overseeing Emergency Lighting Inspections. It is crucial to hire qualified professionals or contractors to perform the inspections in accordance with safety regulations.

The frequency of Emergency Lighting Inspections depends on local regulations and the type of building. In many cases, inspections are required annually, but more frequent checks may be necessary for high-occupancy or high-risk buildings.

An Emergency Lighting Inspection involves checking the entire emergency lighting system, including batteries, bulbs, charging systems, and the overall functionality of the fixtures. The inspection may also include a test of the system's performance during a simulated power failure.

While basic visual checks can be performed by building staff, a qualified professional or contractor should conduct comprehensive Emergency Lighting Inspections. Professionals have the expertise to identify potential issues and ensure compliance with safety standards.

If issues are identified during an Emergency Lighting Inspection, corrective actions should be taken promptly. This may involve replacing faulty components, repairing wiring, or upgrading the system to meet current safety standards.

In many jurisdictions, regular Emergency Lighting Inspections are a legal requirement. Building owners or managers are obligated to ensure that emergency lighting systems comply with safety regulations and standards.

Yes, it is possible to retrofit emergency lighting in existing buildings. However, it is essential to consult with professionals to ensure that the installation meets regulatory requirements and provides adequate coverage for emergency situations.